Wednesday, February 8, 2012

nasal bone fracture

1.One of the most common fracture bone in facial trauma. Majority of the causes due to trauma either motorvehicle accident, blunt trauma, sport injury, assaulted and etc.

2.Clinical symptoms are directed to the injury, usually pt may presented with nose bleeding prior to injury and usually subsided spontaneously.later on patient will experience nose pain,nasal blockage, swelling at nasal bridge. However, sometimes we need to ask patient is there any watery nasal discharge which indicate CSF rhinorhea which is dangerous to patient if not treat properly.

3.Clinical manifestation patient will have swollen nasal bridge, bruises at nose, blood clot in nostril. The important one is to rule out is there any septal hematoma which can cause septal cartilage necrosis due to compromised blood supply to the cartilage which later on cause septal perforation and late complication will cause saddle nose.

4.Radiological xray of nasal bone is benefit to see how the fracture of nasal bone whether is it deviated or displaced. Then usually patient also need for nasoendoscope if available.

5.Treatment is depend on the severity,time prior injury and how patient presented to us. For example, if patient presented with already resolved nose bleed few days prior injury, if nose still swollen, need to give nasal decongestant, analgesic first.Then to review patient within 1 week or not exceed for 2 weeks, to see alignment of nasal bridge. If there is deviation of nasal bridge, we need to do nasal bone reduction under local anaesthesia or general anesthesia.

6.Post reduction, to put patient on nasal splint at least for 1 week. we need to review again patient few weeks after reduction

7.A certain patient, nasal bone reduction is failed due to few factors. Then patient will undergo rhinoplasty which usually done by rhinologist and plastic surgeon.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Konsep Sabar dan Syukur

1.Hidup manusia ini ibarat satu kitaran roda. Sekejap kita di atas, sekejap kita berada di bawah. Allah akan memberi dugaan kepada hambaNya, kemudian Allah juga akan memberi nikmat kepada sesiapa yang Allah kehendaki.
2. Apabila hambaNya menerima sesuatu musibah, perlu kembali kepada Allah, menganggap ianya cubaan dan dugaan dari Allah Yang Maha Adil untuk menguji hambaNya itu benar-benar sabar dengan apa yang telah mereka lalui itu.
3.Musibah seperti penyakit, kesempitan hidup atau berbagai-bagai lagi jangan dijadikan suatu alasan untuk hambaNya untuk mensyirikkan Allah. Bahkan, kita sebagai hambaNya yang beriman perlu bersabar, dan terus berdoa bermunajat memohon pertolongan dariNya sambil kita berikhtiar dan berusaha mengatasi musibah itu.
4.Nikmat yang Allah sediakan untuk hambaNya bukan untuk dinikmati sahaja. Islam menganjurkan kepada penganutnya supaya bersyukur atas kejayaan, kenikmatan yang diperolehi. Malah nimat juga adalah salah satu cara dugaan yang allah berikan kepada hambaNya untuk melihat sejauh mana kesyukuran hambaNya kepada Allah Yang Maha Pemurah.
5.Jika kita bersyukur,maka Allah akan tambahkan nikmat. Dan jika kita kufur terhadap Allah maka azab seksa yang dahsyat menanti untuk mereka
6.Oleh itu, marilah kita sama-sama amalkan konsep sabar dan syukur dalam kehidupan harian kita. Moga kita sentiasa dibawah berkat dan rahmat Allah.