Friday, February 19, 2010


1. Australia is the only one of country leaded-by white man in Asia. This country was founded by a white man from British hundreds years ago. Australia inhibited by Aborigins then slowly settled down by white man.

2.I have never been to Australia, but from what i have heard from my friends and families, it is a beautiful island in developed country.

3.Lately, Australian MPs commented regarding Anwar's sodomy trial. They tried to persuade Malaysia government to withdraw and revise a charge to this Opposition Leader of Malaysia. Like Tun Mahathir said in his blog, the action from this Australian MPs suspiciously have something behind it.

4.The government have to stand firm on their own principle and should not be influenced by others. But this does not mean we have to reject them totally, any ideas that will bring a benefit to our country in term of economy, politic or development should be considered.

5. A two way relationship between our country should be maintained for benefit both countries.

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