Sunday, March 28, 2010

Earth Hour

1.On 27/03/10 at 8.30pm till 9.30pm, thousand of cities joined to support the earth hour by switching off lights for 1 hour to symbolize awareness of climate change of the worl.
2.I'm also used to darken my home which i left only one important lamp to show my support to earth hour.
3.Today, all of us should be responsible to our earth. We should think and practice as much as needed a step to prevent climate chages of earth for our future generation.
4.Earth hour is one of measures that we can take for helping of our earth. The important thing is to practise it everyday in our lifetime as well as to educate our young generation..

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Bila seseorang itu disahkan mengidap sesuatu penyakit terutamanya penyakit berbahaya yang mungkin sukar untuk disembuhkan seperti kanser, maka penghidap yang mengalaminya akan terasa begitu sukar untuk menerima keadaan mereka.
Bayangkanlah, sebagai contoh beliau seorang lelaki yang gagah dan sihat, dalam beberapa ketika disahkan oleh doktor menghidap kanser.
Untuk menerima hakikat bahawa dia menghidap kanser amatlah sukar, akan tetapi jika seseorang itu mempunyai kekutan iman yang tinggi, insyaallah, beliau boleh menerima dengan hati yang terbuka.
Mungkin penyakit yang dihadapi sebagai kiffarah dan dugan dari Allah yang maha kuasa.Penyakit juga boleh memberi peluang kepada manusia untuk bertaubat dan kembali mengingati Allah.
Pentingnya tawakkal dan doa serta kuat semangat untuk menghadapi penyakit membantu dalam penyembuhan sesuatu penyakit

Friday, March 19, 2010

nasal bone fracture

1.nasal bone fracture is one of the common trauma cases in ENT. Nasal bone can be fractured due to motor vehicle accident, trauma secondary to being assaulted or punched on the nose.
2.Usually clinical presentation of nasal bone fracture is straight forward. Patient will complaint of being hit over the nose then followed by nose bleeding. Patient will also have nasal blockage, pain and swelling nasal bridge.
3.The treatment of nasal bone fracture depends on severity of fracture and cosmetically accepted by patient. There few types of fracture of nasal bone,it can be deppressed fracture or deviated fracture to either right or left side.
4.Acute management of nasal bone fracture is to stop bleeding if persistent and to relieve pain. reduction of nasal bone is not mandatory in acute phasa because it may complicate to other related structure on the face.
5.Patient will be given analgesic and decongestant nasal spray if patient having nasal blockage within time of injury until 7 to 10 days. Then within day 7 to day 10 of injury, reduction of nasal bone can be done under local naesthesia or general anaesthesia.
6.Xray of nasal bone is not indicated before the procedure but it can help surgeon the facilitate how much reduction have to be done. The usual practise to look for how much reduction doen is by inspecting nasal bridge from up view of forehead of the patient after procedure.
7.The procedure of nasal bone reduction is a minor procedure.It can be done at treatment room only. Patient will put on cocaine nasal packing 5 to 10 minutes before procedure as for internal nasal cavity analgesic. Then after that, surgeon will infiltrate lignocaine/marcaine at superior nasal bridge each side to block intratrochlear nerve. Once cocaine packing removed, another local infiltration given at each side of inferior turbinate to block sphenopalatine nerve.
8.By using warsham forceps, contralateral side of nasal bone outfractured by rotating laterally, then ipsilateral side of deviation of nasal bone fracture infractured using thumb until it centered.
9.thermoplastic splint put over nasal bridge until up to 1 week to avoid fractured nasal bone deviated back.
10.Patient will given decongestant nasal spray as well as oral decongestant and analgesic afterwards. Thermoplastic splint opened up after 1 week. Then it is up to patient whether he is quite satisfacted cosmetically of his nose after procedure or not. If he is still not satisfy the other option is plastic surgery which is costly and risky. The main purpose of procedure to relieve nasal blockage to have optimal function of nose and the other hand is for cosmetic..

Sunday, March 14, 2010

kahwin budak perempuan

1.Penulis teringat zaman kecil-kecil dulu, bermain dengan kawan-kawan lelaki dan perempuan. Salah satu permainan yang dimainkan ialah bermain olok-olok kahwin dan masak-masak di rumah. Satu pasangan olok-olok kahwin dan mempunyai beberapa orang anak. Kami semua melakukan tugas mengikut watak yang dimainkan, si ayah pergi bekerja, si emak memasak di dapur manakala si anak-anak bersekolah dan bermain-main.
2.Kegemparan di dalam media massa mengenai kejadian seorang ketua kumpulan agama mengahwini seorang budak perempuan berumur 10 tahun mengejutkan kita semua. Malahan beliau juga telah mempengaruhi seorang rakannya untuk mengahwini anak perempuan beliau yang berumur 11 tahun kepada rakan dalam kumpulan agama itu.
3.Memanglah mengikut sirah rasullullah baginda mengahwini siti aisyah pada usia yang agak muda. Tetapi jika ingin mengamalkan sunnah rasullullah dengan hanya membuta tuli dan tanpa asas agama yang sebenarnya, beginilah akibatnya yang berlaku. Sunnah nabi amatlah digalakkan diamalkan oleh umat islam, akan tetapi masih banyak lagi sunnah nabi yang senang dan mudah diikuti berbanding sunnah seperti ini.
4.Diharap pihak yang yang terlibat mengambil berat tentang masalah ini..

Friday, March 5, 2010


1.Kebanyakan kawasan di Malaysia dilanda musim panas terik sejak 1-2minggu yang lalu. Sepanjang tepi-tepi jalanraya didapati rumput-rumput menjadi kering disebabkan oleh cuaca panas.
2.Bagi orang awam, dinasihati untuk meminum seberapa banyak air terutamanya bagi kanak-kanak atau orang tua. Ini adalah untuk mengelakkan kekeringan badan yang boleh membawa risiko penyakit yang lain kepada golongan ini.
3.Elakkan berada dibawah panas terik pada waktu puncak kepanasan dari pukul 11 pagi hingga pukul 3 petang. Orang ramai juga boleh menggunakan penutup kepala seperti topi untuk mengurang penyerapan haba dalam badan.
4.Disamping itu, jangan lupa berjimat cermat dalam penggunaan air di tempat kerja dan di rumah. Diberitakan, beberapa empangan air di kawasan-kawasan di Malaysia berada ditahap kritikal sehingga penggunaan catuan air telah dilaksanakan.
5.Dugaan el nino ini menyedarkan umat islam bahawa kuasa Allah Taala. Dia boleh memberikan banjir besar dengan sekelip mata, dan dia boleh menurunkan musim panas ini supaya hamba-hambaNya bertakwa dan ingat seksa panasnya api neraka di akhirat kelak.

Monday, March 1, 2010


1. Nearly more than 15 years ago, that first time i have gone to Langkawi with a trip of schoolmates. But 3 days ago, i went again to Langkawi, this time with a trip of colleagues of ENT department of HTAA.

2.There were a lot of differences and development happen in Langkawi now.

3.I went there together wih my beloved wife and ly little son by flight. We were arrived at Langkawi International Airport at night. We were walking only few meters to the hotel.

4.According to a tourist guide who guided us along the journey in Langkawi, the name of Langkawi comes from combination of two words whereas Lang meaning an eagle in Malay word 'Helang' and kawi meaning from "kawi" as a type of stone usually can be found at the island.

5.Langkawi very well known with Malay myth of story of Mahsuri, a woman who had beed accused having 'zina' then been punished by the leader of Langkawi at that time.

6.Nowadays, Langkawi much different from old days. There become one of attractive place and tourism area among inside and outside malaysia.

7.We should not forget and to give a credit to ex prime minister Tun Mahathir who gave a lot of good ideas for development of Langkawi to become a very nice place today.