The disease of BPPV can be easily know from its name. Benign means that the disease is not malignant or for layman understanding that the disease is not so dangerous to whom having it. Paroxysmal means it is not persistent, only occur lastings for few seconds or minutes. Positional means the disease is relating to a certain position of the patient. The last is vertigo that means symptom patient has is spinning sensation or dizziness.
For those who had have experienced the symptom of intermittent spinning sensation which lasting few seconds or minutes, he probably might have BPPV. So, if you have this, dont worry too much because this disease not too severe like patient have cancer because it is only benign problem. Although it is benign, you may need to seek opinion and treatment from expert person. The suitable person can treat this problen is otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat specialist)
BPPV can be diagnosed from the history from patient and physical examination which usually ENT specialist will do a special manouvere to the patient to confirm the diagnosis. In physical examination like otoscopic examination, there are usually no positive finding. The manouvere named Dix Hallpike test useful to diagnose this disease.
BPPV is disease of inner ear. The inner ear have two parts, labryinth and vestibule. Utricle and saccule in vestibule help in balance system in human. In sacule and utricule there is a fluid which mainly contains of calcium carbonate.Pathophysiologically, BPPV caused by crystalized calcium carbonate named otocolith or otoconia debris dislodged in wrong place in inner ear. The most common part which otocolith deposited is in posterior semicircular canal. So, when the person who have otocolith deposited in posterior semicircular canal, this condition will distrupt the function of cupula in control of coordination like rotation and linear move. The person will experience spinning sensation on certain position such as rotation of head.
BPPV can be treated medically and physiotherapically. BPPV patient need to practice for regular vestibular exercise which can be learned from physiotherapist. One of the vestibular therapy is Epley manouvere. In some severe cases of BPPV, drugs also may be helpful. Nowadays, patient with BPPV will be prescribed by ENT specialist with Betaserc or Stugeron..
For those people outside who have this symptom, see your doctor to confirm and treated well from this disease.
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